Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Highlights - Week 15

Sunday, August 2 - Saturday, August 8
This week's highlight has nothing to do with bikini prep, work or grad school so bear with me on this one. This week primarily centered around Thursday and Friday. I worked 12 hour days Monday - Wednesday in preparation for taking off Thursday and Friday to enjoy one of my boyfriend's biggest accomplishments thus far...graduation from USMC Officer Candidate School (OCS) and his commissioning to 2nd Lieutenant.  Thursday was Family Day and Friday was the graduation parade,commissioning ceremony and pinning ceremony.
Wednesday I woke around 4 am to get ready for work. The day was relatively normal but extremely long. That night a friend that I had met through the OCS website (Vanessa) would be flying in to stay with me for the next couple of days, as her husband was graduating as well. She arrived sometime between midnight and 1 am Thursday morning and instead of going to sleep like we should have, we ended up staying up all night talking. Around 4 am we decided sleeping wasn't really an option if we wanted to catch the guys at the motivational run at 6:30 am. We got ready for the day, headed out to breakfast and knew we'd end up regretting it later...
Brian waving during the motivational run

Family Day was a blast but I was more irritable than usual. I was really wishing I had slept even for a few minutes. Luckily, Brian was understanding and didn't get TOO annoyed with me. When I got home that afternoon, I passed out. This was around 6 pm. Around 7 pm Vanessa text me she was close to my place. I responded and then fell back asleep. Fail. Epic fail. She ended up waiting outside my door for 10 min or so. I felt terrible when I woke up and realized she was still outside. I'm lucky she's a sweetheart and forgave me quite easily!!

Family Orientation with Vanessa

Friday was the day Brian (and I) had been looking forward to for the past 10 weeks. I'm fairly certain OCS was the toughest mentally and physically draining thing he's ever done. As his girlfriend, it was pretty emotionally draining but it was finally over. I'm positive he was ready to graduate, and I was ready to get my boyfriend back (for a few days anyways)! The day went fairly smoothly and at the end of it all he was a 2nd Lieutenant!! Extemely proud moment. YAY BRIAN!!
Graduation Parade (Brian is on the left)

Pinning Brian's bars w/ his sister

In honor of keeping it real, my diet and workout routines were shot toward the end of Week 15. From a diet standpoint, I celebrated too much with Brian. I ate outside my meal plan more than I should have and missed my lifting / cardio routines for a few days. I should have planned better for those days and held to that plan, but I definitely got lost in the moment for those couple of days. This week I've developed my plan, prepped and am ready to get back on track SO back to the grind I go for Week 14.

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