Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How Was Whole30?


Today I finish up my second round of Whole30. The first time I completed Whole30 was August/September 2016. Back then it seemed like more of a chore. I think that was because I didn't know what to expect and I anticipated each day with the W30 road map. It was fun and delicious but getting to day 30 seemed so hard. Not this time. I simply planned my meals/snacks ahead, ate what I had and kept it moving. If it hadn't been for MyFitnessPal app telling me my logging streak (I started tracking my food consistently on W30 - Day 1), I wouldn't have known which day was which!

This time around it was significantly easier to manage. The most challenging part seemed to be making sure when I went out with friends I did my research before hand. Luckily, all of the friends I ate out with during this round were nice enough to go to places where it was easiest for me to piece together a W30 compliant meal. Like round one, my energy has significantly improved and I feel better when completing workouts. I have noticed my skin is and my mood is...well I'm still moody. Lol.

I did have one unintentional slip this round. On Super Bowl Sunday, Day 28, I had ribs with sugar on them!! It wasn't until after I ate them that I knew they had sugar on them. My cousin made BBQ ribs but he made some just with the rub (no BBQ sauce) for me. I didn't even ask what was in the rub because I automatically assumed it was all dry seasoning ingredients and that sugar was in the BBQ sauce and ONLY the BBQ sauce. I was wrong and he was overly apologetic. Lol. That night I paid for it with a headache but accidents happen and I don't consider this round a loss because of it. [Though by W30 standards you are supposed to restart from Day 1 after a slip up. I do realize this.]

So what's next for my diet? Well I'm not quite at the point where I want to begin my "bikini prep diet", primarily because I want to see how I manage formulating an ideal diet on my own. I'm highly interested in following a macro diet for this bikini prep so I'm looking to give that a try for now. Right now my goal  is to increase muscle mass. That means I'll need to increase my protein intake. I need to do more research before I decide my starting macro numbers but that's where I plan to take it from here! Until I figure that out, I'll stick with W30/paleo compliant meals and snacks. I'll be giving myself SOME flexibility: one cheat meal / week. But I'm not flying off the deep end. I'm pleased with how far I've come and I don't want to go backwards. Not to mention, working out after eating junk food IS. THE. WORST. All in all I'm happy with where this round of W30 has taken me and where I'm going from here!

Feel free to share if you have any tips on beginning a IIFYM diet.


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