Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Decision


Over the past month I had been fighting the urge to make a decision on whether or not to compete. I whole-heartedly believed I could tackle work, school and competition prep at the same time. Turns out I can, but not well or safely. The first two weeks of October I worked 60 hrs / week. That was just the nature of the beast at the time due to the overwhelming need to hire new staff. It was definitely NOT a norm I was accustomed to, nor one that I expected. I was still meeting my workout requirements, which averaged out to be 3 hours of gym time / day and I was functioning well enough in my two grad school courses. I was doing what I thought I needed to do, but it wasn't helping matters any. Sleep was almost nonexistent, headaches became an every day occurrence and my overall health, body and mind started to deteriorate.

This past weekend I made the decision to NOT compete on November 14. It still sucks even talking about it now because I still want to compete so badly. Knowing the state of my body and mind after those two weeks, the progress I've made this year and the effects of my actions on others, I realize it was neither safe nor smart for me to continue for this competition. That being said, I will be competing in 2016 and will continue to train with my coach until then. Guess that means this blog stays around a little longer. =P

FUN FACT: I ordered my custom made competition suit 10 days before I made the decision to not compete this year. Today I get an update on its progress. Bittersweet. BUT if you have any doubts on whether or not I will actually compete in 2016, Google the average bikini competition suit price...Ha. I'm competing. Trust me on this one. The question isn't if I'll compete...simply, when?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Highlights - Week 7

Sunday, September 27 - Saturday, October 3


Ohhhh Week 7. The week I've been most nervous about for quite some time because it comes before Week 6. Dun. Dun. Dunnnnn. You know what I found out though...Week 6 is NOT the end all be all deadline. Well. Kind of. So at the end of week 7 my coach informed me that I still have a lot of time left. A LOT OF TIME LEFT?! Coach say what?! I'm over here freaking out and my coach thinks I have a lot of time. Hmmmm. OK. I mean, he would know, right? He's the expert! So I shall take his word for it. He said it is too soon to tell if I am ready to compete or not, BUT this is a step in the right direction. He didn't flat out tell me I wouldn't be ready or I'm too far behind, so I'm hopeful. I have time. I can do this. Woosah. I'm in limbo at the moment. I may compete (if I'm ready). I may not compete. I shall just continue to do my best and see what happens!!

What did end up happening though was I was put in contact with my coach's wife (second half of the coaching team) to begin work on ordering my bikini!! Details to come in Week 6. So exciting though! I think this was the first time I came to realize I will be wearing the least amount of clothing I've EVER worn in front of complete strangers. I'd like to think I'm generally a modest person when it comes to attire, so this is definitely outside of my norm / comfort zone but I'm going for it!! I'm so pumped and terrified!

The end of week 7 also kicked off the start of the Fall Wedding season. I love weddings! Brian and I attended a wedding for one of his friends in Charlottesville. The weather was cool and rainy, but the wedding, reception and bride were beautiful. It was a good time and a nice break away from the norm. The food was really good as well. I tried not to crash and burn my diet on that one. I think I did well enough. No mini delicious burgers or chicken and waffle bites for me. I must confess I wanted to body slam Brian when he asked if I wanted one. I didn't though. Not proper wedding etiquette. I'm sure he meant well. He'd know better if I was more consistent, so I'll take responsibility for that one. I'm rambling. I digress. In summary, CONGRATS Rachel & Rob!! Jessica and Rashad are up next in 2 weeks. Yay for fall wedding season!!

At the Wedding Reception w/ Brian

Monday, October 5, 2015

Highlights - Week 8

Sunday, September 20 - Saturday, September 26


Sorry for the delay. Life got a bit hectic in Week 7, which delayed me posting Week 8 Highlights. No fears! I'm back in the blog game...

This week's consistency was on point! Yay! Lucky for me it showed. My coach was pleased with my progress and life was good, so yay for that. Still grinding it out because at Week 6 comes the final decision. Eeek! Can you tell I'm nervous?!? But I digress...for now.

Work is on level 1000 at the moment. My graduate assistant position has experienced A LOT of turnover this week. Thanks to that we'll be hiring new fitness attendants to work in our facilities! Yayyyyyy! Right?! Kinda of. Hiring is a LONG process, of which I am in charge. In the meantime, while we are hiring new attendants, all unassigned shifts are falling to the coverage of myself, the other grad assistant and the office assistant. We have a pretty solid plan worked out, BUT it generally means more hours of work. We'll manage! I can't deny that it is a bit overwhelming at times though. Oh well! All part of the job.

Awhile back I found out about these 0 calorie "noodles" called Miracle Noodles. Figured I'd give them a try and see how it went. Loved them! They don't taste like anything on their own. They take on the flavor of whatever seasoning/marinade/dressing you add to them. I'm not sure if it's a mind trick or not, but it helps me feel like I'm eating more while having a minimal effect on my caloric intake, which makes me happy. I chalk that up to a meal plan win!! I've ordered enought to last me the remainder of my prep. I'm oh so serious.

Favorite part of Week 8 was my Grandpa's 80th birthday dinner on Saturday!! I still can't believe he is 80. He looks so good for his age (see below if you think I tell lies)! Love that man so much!! <3 The whole family celebrated at my grandparent's house with dinner and cake.

Always a good time when my family gets together. We even enjoyed a friendly game of Guesstures, in which my team won. That was to be expected. I don't joke when it comes to games. Go hard or go home!! I'm I'm not.

The winning Guesstures team!!